Thursday, March 17, 2011

100 Followers Giveaway

Since I am just starting as a consultant and would like to get the word out, I am offering a reward to follow my blog and encourage others to do the same.  When I reach 100 followers, I will be giving a random follower a prize pack containing THRIVE products with a retail value of at least $30.  I have yet to decide what to put in it, but believe me, it will be great!  So click that "follow" button at the top of the window or along the far right column.  Then invite all of your friends to join in.  Click any and all of those little grey buttons at the bottom of this post to get the word out.

Of course, following this blog will be a reward in and of itself since I will post information, recipes, promotions, and whatever else I can think of that might be interesting to you.  And from time to time, I will have more giveaways.

And thank you for helping me start my business!

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